SS. Term: 1.2 Why are their so many leaves on the ground? End of term

Our Big question was Why are their so many leaves on the ground ?

To develop the children's understanding about 'Autumn' we shared autumn books, we discovered that the leaves fall on the ground ready for Winter! During outdoor play and forest school sessions the children were able to recognise that these changes were taking place.We also discovered within our autumn books that their any many animals assocaited with autumn.

The children enjoyed exploring the leaves, they collected some and used them to create leaf print pictures, make leaf soup and other leaf meals within the mud kitchens.

We developed our mathematical language by exploring the size and shape of the leaves that we discovered on the ground.

During music time the children enjoyed learning a new song - Autumn leaves are falling down to the tune of London Bridge is falling down and enjoyed making the action movements to the song,

The children in sunshine room enjoyed exploring autumn through paint by making lovely pictures using vegetables and leaves, printing with these using autumn colours.  We explored these colours further by mixing them and discovered that colours mixed together can create other colours.  We used our knowledge of colour to mix them when we created our firework pictcures to celebrate Bonfire night.

During this term the children were excited to have a special visit from Purvi who came to Sandy Lane to help us celebrate Diwalli. The children enjoyed listening to the story of Rama, Sita and the Demon king as well as exploring their bodies by learning some traditional movements to wonderful Indian music.



Diary Dates

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
Warrington Inclusion Hub: Committed to Inclusion: 2018-19
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26