Term 2.. What do I know about Winter? End of Term

This half term we have been thinking about our Big Question 'What do I know about Winter?'

First we talked in our Family Groups about what we knew and put this in our floor books. Using our book Winter by Emily Dufresne we learnt about the weather, clothing, animals and celebrations in Winter time.

Then over the half term we have explored all things Winter. We were able to go outside and explore the ice and snow on some cold days. We could feel it with our hands and we talked about how it was cold, wet, hard, icy. We also noticed that it crunched under our feet as we walked on it.

We talked about the clothes we need to wear in the winter and sorted items of clothing into winter and summer. 

Following thinking about the weather in winter we have thought about how to move our bodies to pretend we are snow, ice, wind and rain and we danced to some winter music using our chosen movements.

As we've thought about ice and snow we have talked about where it comes from and what happens we it melts. The children have talked about how water gets cold and becomes ice. We have done ice experiments putting water in the freezer and leaving some outside and seeing what happens to it. We have been able to explore the ice and hold it, talking about how it feels.

We have thought about which animals like to live in the warm and which like cold places. Also we have learnt about how some animals sleep all through the winter as there isn't enough food and this is called hibernation.

We have then revisited our intial mind maps and added onto them any more information about winter that the children could now share. The children can now talk about the weather we experience in winter, what clothes we need to wear and talk about animals that like to live in the cold and which ones need to hibernate. 



Diary Dates

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
Warrington Inclusion Hub: Committed to Inclusion: 2018-19
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26
Leading Parent Partnership Award: 2023-26